Source NSPi.


Build package

NSPi is a work in progress Switch package downloader homebrew. Inspired by the PSVITA PKGi hombrew made by @mmozeiko and PSP/PS3 ports by @bucanero.

The nspi homebrew app allows to download packages directly on your Switch

Build (Switch)

To build this project from source, you’ll need to set up the appropriate development environment.


  • devkitPro devkitA64 toolchain: You can either install this toolchain directly on your system or use one of the available devkitPro Docker images.

Option 1: Install devkitPro Toolchain

  1. Follow the devkitPro installation guide to set up the devkitA64 toolchain on your system.
  2. Ensure that the necessary tools (nacptool, elf2nro, etc.) are available in your PATH.

Option 2: Use a devkitPro Docker Image

  1. Pull one of the devkitPro Docker images that comes with all the precompiled tools and toolchains:
     docker pull devkitpro/devkita64
  2. Use the Docker image to build the project
     docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/app" --workdir=/app devkitpro/devkita64:latest bash
     cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
     cd build
     make -j$(nproc)
  3. Send built package to switch with nxlink (optional)
     nxlink -a NSPi.nro

Note for libnx

In this project, instead of linking the precompiled libnx library provided by devkitPro, I preferred to add libnx compilation to the build process. This means that libnx will be built from source as part of this project’s build process, ensuring that you have the latest version and any custom modifications needed for this project.

Build (Linux) (Partially working)

cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd build
make -j$(nproc)


  1. Download the NSPi.nro file.
  2. Insert your SD card into your computer.
  3. Copy the NSPi.nro file to the switch/ folder on the root of your SD card.
  4. Safely eject the SD card from your computer.
  5. Insert the SD card back into your Nintendo Switch.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.